You are as mundane as brushing teeth,
as common as ants.
You have more variety than breakfast cereal.
You boast of having traveled the Silk Road with Marco,
and there’s not a place on earth we can’t find you
(although it’s said you don’t fall far from the tree).
You claim royal Chinese blood;
quintessential, you tell us repeatedly
that your name means “fruit”
(and forget to mention it is “evil” in Latin).
You can be sweet, especially when you blush,
but you can also be an acidic little tart.
Credited with bringing health to hundreds,
you’ve been accused of poisoning princesses
and damning the human race.

And I just love
taking off your skin,
slicing you up
and baking you in a pie.


GloPoWrMo2020bNaPoWriMo  – Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Four Prompt:   Write about a particular fruit.

Guess the fruit.  🙂